Winston's Wish - giving hope to grieving children

Total raised £35,367

raised so far

+ est. £290.00 Gift Aid



Over 100 children are bereaved of a parent or sibling every single day. We are here to help young people when someone important has died.

 New stretch target

We are so grateful and thrilled that our original target was reached thanks to your generous support. Thank you so much to everyone who has supported us so far. If you can share this page and any information about Winston's Wish on Facebook, insta or LinkedIn that would be fantastic! The more funding we raise together, the more children we can help!  

Please help us by letting your friends, family and colleagues know that there is free support available for bereaved children and young adults,  and that there are people at Winston's Wish who care and understand and can help! Families don't have to struggle alone!  

Do get in touch if you think your local school could benefit from our free resources at [email protected] 

Thank you! 

Help us make sure that no child faces grief alone.

More than 100 children are bereaved of a parent or sibling every single day.  We are there to help them when someone important to them has died, or is not expected to live.  

Winston’s Wish was the first established UK childhood bereavement support charity, and for over 30 years our dedicated teams have given back hope to grieving children and their families. 

Specialising in traumatic bereavement (homicide, manslaughter, sudden death and suicide) our experienced team of bereavement support workers provide practical and emotional help through a variety of services, including our On-Demand services (helpline, instant message and email services) specialist publications, group and 121 support and counselling for young people, their families, and the professionals who support them. 

“Nothing will bring back my big brother, I miss him every day. I used to think that it was my fault that he killed himself, but after doing Winston’s Wish I understand more about it now.  Before, everything was just grey. Now my world has some colour again.”

Our mission is simple; to make sure that no child or young person has to grieve alone. We listen when a child is grieving, we act when a child needs our help and we know what to say, when it’s time to talk.  We have a vision of a society in which every grieving child, young person or young adult gets the help that they need when someone important to them dies or is not expected to live. Your donation will help us to do this for more children. Thank you so much! 

Information, advice, guidance and support: 

Our youth-led network 

Grief in common podcasts 

Blogs and publications


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