So anyone who knows me has heard me say I would never run a road marathon. Yes after last year's ultra (a very different challenge that i saw as lots of picnic stops with some running between!), I decided that I can't leave the road marathon box unticked. And if it were to happen then there was only one that it was going to be - the London Marathon.
So on Sunday 27th April I will be taking on this scarily daunting, yet exciting challenge. I am fortunate enough to be running in aid of the incredible charity - Queen Elizabeth's Foundation for Disabled People (QEF).
The Charity has evolved from providing employment training for disabled people to now include providing services for people with disabilities - from rehabilitation units, to independent living, to holiday homes, to mobility services. Every donation will help continue to fund life changing projects and opportunities.
I would obviously love to have your support from the sidelines on the day, but before that please help support me in my 16 weeks of training towards those daunting 26.2 miles of tarmac and donate to this amazing cause.