New stretch target
With extra money we can expand our services across a wider area and so reach a greater number women in need with vital support and services.
+ est. £7.50
We are raising money to help us deliver our project to support women & girls through our Listening Surgery and Created for Greatness Project
by WAM Global in London, England, United Kingdom
With extra money we can expand our services across a wider area and so reach a greater number women in need with vital support and services.
We offer our valued service SPACE that gives women the opportunity to be listened to on a 1-2-1 in person or via the telephone in a safe environment. We have decided under our post covid wellbeing project, “Rebuilding the Broken Walls” to make this service available to women on a much broader scale, making it accessible to women to talk about their concerns, in a safe and confidential environment, so that any fears, anxieties and any issues causing distress can be made visible and dealt with in a more positive and empowering way.
We believe that this service will encourage good mental health and wellbeing to women at a grassroot level and help to manage the isolation that many are currently experiencing because of the lack of opportunity to talk or be listened to.
Our aim is to inspire and build stronger healthier communities and this we will do by encouraging our beneficiaries to become part of our Listening Team to work at a grassroots level in their communities thereby making a difference. Alongside this project we will provide a mentoring service to encourage the women to pursue their desired goals.
We will also run a project for young women aged 13-24 dealing with self-image, especially those who are at risk of self-harm and/or suicide. This project aims to build resilience, provide coping strategies to relieve stress, improve wellbeing, and give our young women hope and a good understand that they can become the best that they can be in whatever career that they choose. It will also show and drive home that life has its challenges but no matter how difficult it gets, no matter what the situation or circumstances that they face, there is an alternative to embracing harmful thoughts, self-harming and/or suicide.