Cluckingham Palace Chicken Rescue

by Crimsham Farm in Chichester, West Sussex, United Kingdom

Cluckingham Palace Chicken Rescue

Total raised £19,501

raised so far



The rescue and rehabilitation of 400 ex battery hens to our Animal Therapy farm.

by Crimsham Farm in Chichester, West Sussex, United Kingdom

We're still collecting donations

On the 20th June 2023 we'd raised £13,241 with 257 supporters in 28 days. But as every pound matters, we're continuing to collect donations from supporters.

 New stretch target

Given the huge success we have decided to increase the numbers we will be rescuing from 400 to 600! The more lives you help us save, the better in our mind!!!! Keep on giving crowd, you are all amazing! 


The Cluckingham Palace Rescue Mission

3 years ago we saved 50 ex battery hens from slaughter. This year, once again, with the help of all of our students, we want to save 400 from the same fate. These girls have worked their whole lives to provide the eggs for your breakfast, they have been broken, they are underweight, most have never seen the light of day and we want to change that!We have invested thousands into our very own Cluckingham Palace, a state of the art 800 bird housing facility located in 1 acre of open pasture, made specifically to give these amazing birds a new lease of life and the lives they deserve.Any eggs laid by these hens, will be distributed through our new egg shack, with all the profits being spent on improvements to their environment. We have an opportunity here to change the lives of 400 ISA Brown Hens and with your help, we can do just that!From a cage in a dark shed, to an open pasture with toys, dust baths and a spacious house for each and every one! We are even growing our own chickweed and salad crop to ensure they have a hearty and filling diet!

Every chicken costs £20 to rescue from slaughter, not including feed, transport, medication and ongoing costs, so this truly is an "every penny makes a difference" situation!

Our ultimate goal is to raise £8,000 to cover the cost of the initial rescue, with their eggs being sold to fund their ongoing care........ we can only do this, with the help of you all! Do something nice this summer and change the life of an animal most deserving!


In addition to saving the lives of 400 Hens, the farm already hosts a Forces Families club and its very own Veterans Centre where we provide homeopathic and therapeutic counselling to Veterans, their wives / husbands and children. This service will soon merge with the NHS Operation Courage, aiming to reduce the time it takes from being stood on a roof edge wanting to jump, to getting the support you would need, from 8 weeks, to 2 hours, a scheme we have already successfully launched. This part of our service will quite literally save lives.  

Yet another part of our project involves growing food and giving it away free of charge to local food banks and food poverty relief groups. We are spearheading an initiative at the moment which will streamline this service and provide free food to some 20,000 people in the Arun and Chichester Districts.
Our students grow the food, learn how to cultivate it, tend to it and harvest it, then supporting the ongoing food supply chain and helping their communities.

1684993900_177452120_1348067385576524_1226096108176338115_n.jpgThis food provision will be complemented by the additional 400 Hens. As most of you are no doubt aware, most of the food drives focus on long life goods, and unfortunately, not fresh whole produce.

Our farm promotes food sovereignty, which in layman's terms means the area is fed by produce grown within its borders. The addition of what will ultimately be 3000 free range eggs per week, coupled with our fruit and veg, will mean a wider and more diverse range of meal options will be made available to those who most desperately need the help. 


And finally, this is us! A 4.6 acre small working farm located in the tiny village of Lagness, West Sussex. Everything we do has been achieved on this tiny little insignificant plot of land.
When we first set up in September 2019, we had 4.6 acres of scrubland and 9 pigs. 4 years later and we have become the largest provider of alternative education, with over 2,000 children and young people with additional needs and learning difficulties passing successfully through our doors and on to further education (Some even now work for us), we delivered £318,000 of free food during the pandemic, we played a key role in setting up the local food partnership, provide life saving services to 150 Veterans and their families each month, employ 67 staff many of whom have difficulties themselves, have open spaces for anyone to establish a small allotment and on a yearly basis, host over 200,000 people from the local community, giving them a unique hands on experience with every single animal on our farm.
All of this, has been achieved through the provision of education, specifically revolving around wildlife, agriculture, horticulture and most importantly, animal care.
Our plans are constantly expanding, our ambition to help more and more people is growing every day with new services added as the need for them arises.

Every penny donated, changes lives for the better, saves lives, and improves the lives of every person who walks on to our farm.

Crimsham Farm CIC has been proudly supported by:
The National Lottery Community Fund
BBC Children In Need
The Tudor Trust
The Sussex Community Foundation
The Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust
And many many others who have so very kindly supported our organisation financially over the past 4 years and helped us achieve the goal of being a fully inclusive service, available to all.
Crimsham Farm CIC holds a Silver Award from The Armed Forces Covenant, meaning we are a forces friendly employer, taking on and supporting Veterans of the Armed Forces and Soldiers in the Territorial Army.
To ensure we are fully compliant in every area of Social Care Farming, we also hold the Green Care Quality Mark, meaning we have been fully vetted and approved for both child and adult safeguarding as well as animal welfare standards and good practices. 1684999326_349076199_767921458376285_2947638005045421436_n.jpg

In addition to holding this standard, we have also been nominated and won The Social care Farm of The Year Award and been nominated twice for the Soldiering On Awards, Community Business Impact Award. A coveted crown in the Armed Forces Community. 

Or enter custom amount

Select a reward

This project offers rewards in return for your donation.

£10 or more

Bronze Reward

6 Free Free Range Eggs you can collect yourselves from Cluckingham Palace!

£20 or more

Silver Reward

6 free eggs every week for 4 weeks!

£50 or more

Gold Reward

A visit for you and your family, culminating in a tour of the farm, a birds of prey engagement and of course, plentiful amounts of free range eggs!

£75 or more

Platinum Award

5 free visits for you and your family to the farm. A birds of prey encounter with our amazing Owls Audrey and Jackal. A free Crimsham Farm T Shirt for the children in your family (Max 5 per donation).

£100 or more

Friend of The Farm Award

Unlimited free access to the farm for 6 months. Free eggs for 6 months (Max 6 per week) T Shirts for all. (Max 5 per donation) Birds of prey feeding and flying session with Jackal And Audrey our amazing owls! Animal engagement including alpaca walking and goat walking. Baby goat encounter.

£200 or more

Lifetime Friend of The Farm

Unlimited Free Range Eggs for 12 months. (Max 12 per week) Bird of prey flying experience once a month for 6 months. Limited Edition T Shirt's for you and your family. Photo of you with our owls. Name and ring your own chickens. A free forest school session for up to 10 children and adults. Free and unlimited access to the farm for 12 months. Your own thank you card with a picture of you with our Owls (Or animal of your choice)

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